MONITORING, EVALUATION, and LEARNING (MEL) OFFICERS (3 Positions available-Qaraqosh_Bartella-Talkayf) (positions based in project communities in the Ninewa Plains)

Since 2018, the Iraqi Al-Amal Association has been partnering with YouthBuild International, Caritas Iraq, and project leader Catholic Relief Services to implement the USAID-funded Shared Future project in five project locations in the Ninewa Plains. The goal of the initiative is to help diverse and cohesive Ninewa Plains communities attain durable returns. The project was designed as a pilot to test approaches to fostering durable returns and to identify promising practices that could be scaled. IAA and YBI have led the youth livelihoods training component of the project. To date, 300 youth have participated in the youth livelihoods training, including leadership training, 12 weeks of either work readiness or entrepreneurship training, and 12 weeks of coaching as youth start up small business enterprises or work in internships. Given positive results to date, the project has been extended for the next three years, and IAA is looking to hire new positions to help implement the livelihoods component of the project.
Job Summary
Help support young people to have a successful experience in the program. Work collaboratively with project team to help ensure the smooth functioning of the program and schedule on a day to day basis. Assist with administrative, program, and monitoring and evaluation responsibilities as requested. Please send CV as soon as possible to Iraqi Al Amal association at:
- Assist in the development and/or finalization of the project work plan and keep it updated in accordance with project activities and timeframes as relevant.
- Review the quality of project data and data collection methods. Support IAA staff with data entry on a timely basis.
- With collaborating partners, review existing approaches and management information systems and agree on any required changes, support, and resources. Maintain good communication with project partners, especially regarding the schedule of MEL activities.
- With collaborating partners, review their existing approaches and management information systems and agree on any required changes, support, and resources.
- Monitor records and all data entry into the CommCare system, managed by CRS for the Shared Future project.
- Provide additional support for the team regarding administration issue and trainings during program implementation.
- Job shift: full time daily attendance, 5 days per week.
Implementation of MEL Plan and Coordination:
- Collect data on a regular basis to monitor program quality, measure achievement against performance indicators, and to inform program design. Share analysis of data with the staff on an ongoing basis.
- Monitor and review data quality with partners. Collaborate with project partners to support a highly functioning MEL system.
- Produce MEL reports and prepare presentations based on MEL data as required.
- Provide the Shared Future Coordinator or Ninewa Project Leader with data analyses and information she/he may require.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Bachelor Degree in related field. Economic and Administration-Statistic department
- Minimum of three years of professional experience in a MEL position responsible for implementing MEL activities of international development projects.
- Knowledge of major evaluation methodologies (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, and impact), data collection, and analysis methodologies.
- Experience in planning and managing surveys.
- Strong writing and communication skills.
- Language: Written and spoken English required.
- Good knowledge and experience regarding gender mainstreaming.
- Excellent analytical skills.
Please follow below instruction to apply for the position:
- Please use current email address ( to submit your CV.
- State the position headline and location you are interested to apply in email subject, Ex (Headline position) (Location) then send.
- Do not send multiple emails with for same position.
- Do not apply on behalf of other individuals.
- Submission ends in October 20 2020
Note: 6 month as initial contract duration with possibility for extension.