Health and Education

Other Activities

  • In medical part / Other Activities

  • IAA carried out in 2003 a first-aid program, in which 200 young men and women from Daratoo complex in Arbil
  • participated.
  • During June 2003 IAA distributed large quantities of medicines and medical supplies,of various types, to six centers and health institutions in the governorate of Najaf.
  • Duringthe months of July and August 2003, the installation of water sanitation devices (R.O) was executed, for a number of health centers in the governorate of Najaf, where eight devices, the capacity of 250-liter, and one device the capacity 3000 liter, were installed in the maternity hospital in Najaf (the birth and lab wards).
  • IAA Completed, with the support of the Sec ours Populaire Francais and the European Union, the construction of the Maternity Hospital in Arbil, which contains 50 beds, 3 operations rooms, two laboratory and X-ray units, a pharmacy, and an external clinic for women and children. The hospital was handed over to the local government in 2005.
  • IAA carried out, during the month of March 2006, the restoration of Al Gaiem clinic in the province of Diwaniyah, which Included changing the sewage, water and electricity fixtures, and, installing the containers,the restoration and painting of the interior and building the fence. Note thatthe clinic provides services for 700 families in the region.
  • In 2006, the staff of IAA organized in cooperation with the Department of Healt hand the Veterinary Hospital and the health departments of both Najaf and Diwaniyah, an awareness campaign on bird flu; its symptoms and how to prevent it, in eight rural areas in the provinces of Najaf and Diwaniya, including; (Almahnanwia, Shamiya, Abu Nimr, Abu-Gharb ,Taber and Syed Jawad).
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