Health and Education

Health, Legal & Social Awareness Project for Women from Rural Areas in Salahadeen Province

Health, Legal & Social Awareness Project for Women from Rural Areas in Salahadeen Province

The implementation of this project started at the end of August 2006,and lasted for three months. The aim of the project was to spread health,social, and legal awareness amongst women from rural areas. The program’s topics included; reproductive health, breastfeeding, proper nutrition, general health and psychological health of mothers and children, environmental education, and the dissemination of awareness among women on the importance of law and civil rights, particularly the personal status law, and the importance of education and literacy, and on the importance of economical security. The project benefited more than (150) women from rural areas, from three villages in the outskirts of Tikrit, which are: Al Dipsah, Al Ali and Al Waee althawri villages.

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