“Outcome harvesting and Lessons Learned”
In Baghdad on Saturday, December 7, 2024,The Iraqi Al-Amal Association held a closing session entitled “Outcome harvesting and Lessons Learned”, in which 50 candidates, activists, and representatives of local organizations in the four governorates participated, along with government stakeholders. The session was held within project enhancing democracy program which implemented by (IAA) and (NPA).The session was inaugurate by the association’s executive director, Mr. Jamal Al-Jawahiri, who welcomed the attendees from Baghdad and the three governorates in which the project worked, in addition to welcoming the local government ladies and gentlemen. Meanwhile, the project manager, Fatin Saleh, reviewed the various station that the project witnessed and its implementation, including the success stories, learned lessons ,and a number of Beneficiaries from the organizations, the aims of the project in enhancing democracy through its three objectives. First: enhancing partnership between Civil society and stakeholders, second: Enhancing the coordination and communication, third: Strengthening roles in public policy formulation. a dialogue session was held on the role of civil society in industry and influence, in which Mr. Qasim Al-Obaidi, Director of the Women’s Affairs Department and member of the Volunteer Work Committee in Baghdad Governorate, Mrs. Enas Abdul Mohsen, Director of the Women’s Affairs Department in Baghdad Governorate, and Mrs.Ibrar Al-Ani, Director of the Department, added. Organizations Affairs and the Center for Coordination and Monitoring in Anbar, and Ms. Roaa Al-Darwish, Director of the Organizations Affairs Department in Najaf Governorate, and the dialogue was facilitated by the project coordinator Mahmoud Al-Hiti, and Mr. Qasim Al-Obaidi spoke about the legal structure in general, the participation of civil society in general and especially in what falls within the objectives of the democracy project between the community has sufficient experience that qualifies it effectively to participate in the industry and influence the industry, as for Ms. Enas, she spoke about the importance of contributing to civil society and its organizations in the careful selection that goes back to the role of women and so on, that civil society is a real and effective partner and has multiple roles in addition to its contribution to improving women’s tools in general and empowering women and supporting them in social, political and civil activity, but Ms. Ibrar Al-Ani spoke about the challenges that weaken the role of civil society in ethnic diversity depends on the cultural community and the various organizations wanting to improve their capabilities in areas that converge with development and its goals to each other that enhance participation in various different elements. There is an effective representation of the masses in a good position as well as in creating diversity and influence through innovative industry, as for Ms. Roaa Al-Darwish, she spoke about the programs The opportunities available to the cultural community after the 2019 subscriptions and the interest in the industry and contributing to the encouragement of the encouragement practiced by the cultural community and its organizations in the field of promoting democracy. And the direct impact on making cooperation separately on the investment of organizations and civil societies with their expertise and capabilities in order to attend, including their weaving and project objectives.
After that, a number of activitis , volunteer teams and that received grands within the project during the last three years presented Their initiatives within the project in the four governorates, focusing on success stories and impacts in their communities and lessons learned.
At the end of session a three working group held on lessons learned, challenges, and future plans, with 15 people in each group.
Colleagues Fatin, Mahmoud, and Billind facilitated the three groups. The discussions lasted for an entire hour, focusing on the best lessons learned by experts and teams through implementing their projects. These lessons quickly revealed a number of techniques and skills , in addition to establishing strong mechanisms to enhance communication and coordination, as well as identifying the challenges they face. Challenges that impose procedures on them to work on creative initiatives ,and participations of stakeholders ,with identifying the nature of the perceptions and visions for the future plans . The outcome of each group and their recommendations were Reviewed.